Mission Committee Coordinator
Betsy Pennino
Betsy Pennino became a Wesley member in 1992. She first was part of the Education Work Area and then joined SPRC. Leaving SPRC to join the Mission Committee, she became Coordinator in 2012. Betsy was a member of UMW and became Sarah Circle Chair in 2006, for 7 years. Since then she has continued to function as circle chair, though she is, in fact, in charge of only circle communications. Betsy’s career has been in high school teaching, counseling and…
Byungmoo Lee
Rev. Byungmoo Lee (Rev. Moo) is the Pastor at Wesley Church.
Ronna Davis
Ronna is the Organist here at Wesley.
David Potts
David Potts has been an active singer and conductor in the greater Worcester/Boston community for 50 years. He has served various churches in our area as Associate Conductor and was, for 17 years, the Director of Music at St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church, in Acton. He returned to Wesley as their Choir Director in 2022.
David has sung both choral and feature roles with many of the more prominent choral organizations in Massachusetts, including Master Singers of Worcester, Worcester Chorus, Spectrum Singers, Cantata Singers and Masterworks Chorale. He conducted his own composition in 1986 as part of a Worcester Chorus salute to the British Isles. He conducted the Master Singers of Worcester as part of the 100th anniversary celebration of the Worcester Art Museum, and led a Messiah Sing at Wesley as part of First Night Worcester on New Year’s Eve in 1999, just before the turn of the millennium, and has also conducted Summer Sings presented by Masterworks Chorale.
He’s thrilled to be back at Wesley and has enjoyed renewing acquaintences with his any friends from the late 1980’s and 1990’s.
Ghanaian Choirmaster
Desmond Cheetham
Desmond recently moved to Worcester from Ghana. He has served as choirmaster for a youth choir in Ghana, and has hopes to continue his schooling in music.
Director of Children’s Ministries

Rhianne Burke
Matt Crane
Matt is the Church Business Administrator.
Debi Reynolds
Debi has been the secretary at Wesley for over 23 years.
Phil Johnson
Phil is the Building Superintendent. He has been a member of Wesley Church for many years, and has worked for Wesley Church for quite some time.
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy is our Building Consultant.