nursery Care
Nursery care will resume in the fall. We plan to provide well trained care for infants through preschoolers on Sundays for parents to be involved in adult choirs or Sunday school worship. The nursery is located on the third floor in Wagner hall in the Sunday school area.
We are excited to resume Sunday School for Children and Youth during the 10:00 am worship service. Classes for students from Toddlers through 5th grade are offered on the third floor in Wagner Hall. Youth students 6th grade and older meet in the youth group room. Students attend the first part of worship with their parents and go upstairs with their teachers partway through the service. Parents must come to the third floor to pick up Children after worship.
Sunday School News is regularly updated in the monthly Wesley Herald and the weekly Announcements.
Wesley Young People’s Choir
Wesley’s Young People’s Choir is for singers in grades K-12, though some high school students sing with our adult choirs instead. Rehearsal is seasonal before the worship service on Sundays.
Vacation Bible camp

Vacation Bible Camp has been a highlight of the summers past, and we look forward to its return in the summer at the end of June 2022. Look for more information in the weekly announcements and the church calendar.