Worship Alive!

Worship Alive!

Now is a wonderful time to participate in worship services. We enjoy making worship alive at Wesley through word, music, visuals, dance and more … especially by including all ages (children to elders), cultural backgrounds, genders … ALL of us in the church and beyond!

If you are interested in one or more of the following, please contact a pastor, a music director, or a member of the worship team. Or, sign up in Brewer Hall or the Welcome Office. If you already participate, please let us know how else you would like to be involved. All are welcome!


  • Readings (standard liturgical readings: Old/New Testaments, Psalms, Gospel)
  • Drama/Poetry (may include group dramatic readings with costumes, etc.)
  • Prayer (“Morning Prayer,” “Prayer of Thanksgiving,” etc.)
  • Liturgist (ties the service together: “Call to Worship”; introduces hymns, silent meditation, etc.; and improvises when needed)
  • Lay Speaking/Sermon
  • “Time for the Child in Each of Us”


  • Wesley Choir (adult vocals)
  • Ghanaian Choir (adult vocals)
  • Children & Youth Choirs
  • Combined Choir Songs/Performances
  • Summer Singers
  • Solos
  • Bells
  • Praise Team and Instruments

Dance and Visuals:

  • Liturgical Dance/Movement
  • Banners & Streamers
  • Screen Presentations (prepare content or provide technical support for audio/visuals

Additional Participation:

  • Greeters
  • Communion/Eucharist
  • Ushers
  • Decorating the Sanctuary
  • Acolytes
  • Coffee Hour/Welcoming

There also may be opportunities in the future for worship groups to go out into the community to celebrate worship in nursing homes, low-income apartment complexes, parks, etc.